United Kingdom
Develop skills beyond the classroom
CATALYST’s 1-2 week online enrichment experience teaches you the essential skills of collaboration, communication, and critical thinking, so you can thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Our structured programmes are engineered to impart these skills, offering you...
- ...confidence in your ideas and ability to express them to a wide audience.
- ...resilience in the face of change, unfamiliar situations, and new contexts.
- ...support in a nurturing environment that makes it safe to practice new ways of thinking.

Through a carefully planned curriculum developed by expert tutors from world leading universities, you will spend two weeks learning the essentials of modern economic theory, before diving into more advanced topics like trade, fiscal policy, and developmental economics.

The John Locke Junior Summer School is only for exceptional students. If you have not yet turned sixteen, but you are ready for something more advanced than you are experiencing at school, this could be exactly what you need.

PROMYS Europe is designed to encourage mathematically ambitious secondary school students to explore the creative world of mathematics. Competitively selected pre-university students from around Europe gather at Oxford for six weeks of rigorous mathematical activity.

This two-week program explores organizational strategy, principles of management, and international business from within a vibrant hub of innovation and research at the heart of Cambridge, England.